The security of a property or home is paramount window or door installation. This is why upvc exceeds expectation with sturdy steel reinforecd frame,used in conjunction with various locking combination and a double glazed pane of glass will prevent an intruder form breaking in.
Low Maintenance
UPVC windows are very easy to maintain and clean – they can be made like new with just the wipe of a damp cloth.
Heat Insulation
UPVC is a natural insulator material and the multi-chambered frames of upvc are great for insulation, helping you keep your bills down. Windows made with upvc are generally better thermal insulators than aluminum.
Heat Influx through windows can be reduced by using double glazing together with upvc windows.
Sound Proofing
Weather Resistant
Weathering Is a common problem amongst most material used on the exterior of a property. Upvc windows and doors do not react with water and air and are not susceptible to the natural elements, meaning a longer life span without ageing.